1. Journal Scope
Callosum Neurology Journal : Jurnal Berkala Neurologi Bali covered the manuscript that related to the development of neurology and neuroscience. The categories of paper are Original Article, Case Reports, Review Articles, and Letters to Editors that have not been published either domestically or internationally. All articles will be discussed by experts in their field of the appropriate science (peer-reviewed) and the editorial board. Articles that need improvement will be returned to the author. The research article should obtain the approval of the ethics committee (letter of approval should be attached in submission).
Original Articles: Original article of study in basic and applied neurology and neuroscience.
Case Reports: Articles about cases that are important and educational.
Review Articles: A review article providing a timely or critical discussion about the present status and directions for future research may be prepared at the invitation of or after discussion with the Editorial Board.
Letter to the Editor: As a communication means of readers to editors and other readers that may contain comments, refutations, or opinions regarding the contents of previous or future articles.
2. Manuscript style
Submission: Authors must submit their manuscripts through the homepage at http://www.callosumneurology.org after sign up an account. All submissions must follow the instructions and advice on how to submit manuscripts, which is available on the website. Submit all article in separation (article text, research instrument, data analysis, or other). Authors of revised manuscripts must submit a detailed point-by-point response to the reviewer’ comments in the field of Pre-Review Discussions on the submission system. The modified part should be highlighted by underline or color font. The modified article should be uploaded also in the filed of Pre-Review Discussions.
File format:
Documentary form: The abstract not exceed 250 words and the manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words. It should be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5.
Table and Illustration: Titel and number of the table are placed at the top of the table and should be bold. Title and number of the illustration (drawing, maps, charts, graphs, or photographs) are placed below the illustration and should be bold. All abbreviations used in the table and illustration should be explained below the table.
Illustration: All abbreviations used in the illustration should be explained below the illustration.
Numerals and units: Use Arabic numerals. Standard metric units (mm, cm, mL, L, mg, g, msec, sec, min, hr, etc.) can be used throughout without definition.
Abbreviation: Avoid nonstandard abbreviations, unfamiliar terms or symbols, and laboratory jargon. Abbreviations should be kept to an absolute minimum; but if necessary, they must be spelled out at first mention.
3. Manuscripts Structures
Title page:
Structure of Articles
Abstract: Not exceed 250 words (written in Bahasa Indonesian and English).
Background: Give information relevant to the study and the questions the study seeks to answer.
Purpose: The readers should be able to understand why the study was done.
Methods: Describe subjects, materials, and methods used, including experimental design or procedures, in sufficient detail to enable readers to evaluate and/ or reproduce the results. Subjects should be described appropriately to show that the control and experimental groups contained matched subjects. Designate the drugs by their generic names; describe statistical methods and details of randomization or blinded observations. Specify the numbers of observations and individuals who could not be followed up until the end of the study.
Case: Protect patient anonymity by avoiding details that might identify patients unless essential for scientific purposes. Masking the region in patients’ photographs may be inadequate. If the identification of the patient is unavoidable, written permission should be obtained.
Results: Include only the data and illustrative materials that are pertinent to the subject of the article. Avoid repetition of all the data in the tables or illustrations in the text, avoid the duplicate presentation of the same data in both tabular and graphic forms.
Discussion: Interpret the present data concisely, giving particular attention to the question or hypothesis posed in the Introduction section. Information presented in the previous section should not be repeated. Include the discussion of previous works that only agree but also disagree with the present results.
Conclusion: State the conclusions and recommendations that can be directly drawn from the present results. Logical implications of the present findings for practical applications or future studies are permissible, but unsubstantiated speculations must not be included.
Acknowledgment: state personal or institutional contributions, and financial or material support. Supply full information for nature of support (technical help, critical review, data collection, and participation in a clinical trial), number of grants-in-aid, and name and location of institution or organization.
Conflict of Interest: all author must state any actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to the manuscript submitted for review.
References: We recommend the author use the reference manager (ex: Mendeley or Zotero)and apply the Vancouver style citation. All authors should be listed. If no person or organization can be identified as the author and no editors or translators are given, begin the references with the title of the article. Do not use anonymous. All the references should be cited in the article as superscript numbers followed by a closing parenthesis. Papers accepted but not yet published can be included in the references list. The journal name should be abbreviated as in Index Medicus, but the full name should be provided if it is not registered in the Index Medicus. The author must provide references in Vancouver style citation. Especially for the case report, the citations are limited to 20 or less.
Citing the article in a journal:
Citing a book:
Chapter in book:
Online Journals (journal article) on the Internet
Tables: All tables should be placed in their location in the text. All abbreviation used in the table should be explained in the footnotes. Each column must carry an appropriate heading, and units in numerical measurements should be added to the column heading in parentheses. If data can be described in one or two sentences in the text, do not present them in a table.
Illustration: All illustrations should be placed in their location in the text. Titles and detailed explanations should be given in the legends, not on the illustrations. Figure legends should provide below the illustration in a brief a self-sufficient explanation. Describe the staining method and original magnification for photomicrographs, and bar measurements for electron micrographs.
If the figure has already been published, obtain permission to reproduce or modify from the copyright holder, and acknowledge the original source in the legend.